mercoledì 18 settembre 2013

The Victorian Age

A portrait of Victorian Era.
The Victorian Age

The Victorian age is a basic period of the English history, started with the accession to the throne of Queen Victoria, who ruled from 1837 to 1901, during a period of political and economy crisis and changes. 

About the political-historical themes, the British Empire, thanks to its great navy force, had dominions in all five continent as well as England was a ruling nation about the mining, production and processing of iron and coal, that allowed it to become one of the most important nation of the world.

One of the most recurrent element of the upper-class ideal portrait was the Family, described in literature and visual arts as a example of happiness, harmony and the comfort, resulting of the Industrial revolution and the economy growth of the nation.

The conditions of the workers were really unbearable, because of the majority population who lived amassed in slums. Some laws tried to resolve the social problems, with poor results.